
Art of Yoga: A Functional Approach to the Vinyasa Practice with Angie Yeo, Mar 30 - Apr 6

River Valley
March 30 & 31, April 5 & 6, 2025
9.30am - 1.15pm

In this training, we look closely into some of the common injuries that occur in the yoga practice, namely the lower back, the sacroiliac (SI) joint, shoulders, and wrists. We will understand why these common injuries typically happen in the yoga practice and how we can prevent or actively manage these injuries in our classes.

By having a deeper understanding of the functional anatomy of these specific areas of the body, we explore how we can manage these injuries in the yoga setting to ensure a safe and inclusive practice for all through our sequencing, verbal cues, and physical adjustments.

Each day will start off a 60 minute practice, followed by a break, then a lecture where we will deep dive into the anatomy and physiology of the region of the body which corresponds to the day’s theme. Be empowered as students, or teachers, to better adjust your practice based on you or your students' needs.

You can opt to attend a single session, the full 4-day training, or any combination of the programme that best suits your needs.

This is also a Yoga Alliance-certified Continuing Education Training (CET) Programme. For yoga teachers, please note that attendance for all 4 sessions and completion of a 4 hour course work is required to clock your CET training hours.

Sunday, March 30, 2025
9.30am - 1.15pm

Anatomical Focus: Lower Back

Students often come to the yoga practice seeking relief in lower back discomfort or tension. Understand some of the common causes of lower back discomfort, and how you can effectively sequence your classes to manage these discomforts. You will also explore some of the ways you can minimise the possibility of exacerbating lower back discomfort in your practice. We will look at common misalignment patterns in some of these poses, as well as poses that are often taught incorrectly. You will also learn how to safely sequence, cue, and adjust yoga poses to ensure that they are safe for your lower back.

Monday, March 31, 2025
9.30am - 1.15pm

Anatomical Focus: Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint)

Understand why SI joint discomfort is one of the most common yoga-related injuries. You will explore the hips and sacroiliac joints in various standing poses, warrior poses, and some seated poses. You will have a deeper understanding of the anatomy of the hips as well as the sacroiliac joint by looking closely at its structure and movement pattern. You will look at how you can sequence, cue, adjust, and modify these poses safely to ensure that they are safe for your hips and SI Joint.

Saturday, April 5, 2025
9.30am - 1.15pm

Anatomical Focus: Shoulders

You will take a deeper look at the shoulder joint, the bones and movement that comprise the shoulder joint, and how the intricacies of the shoulder joint makes it one of the more vulnerable joints in the body–especially in vinyasa yoga. You will explore some of the stable positions of the shoulder joint, and how you can relook some of the alignment of common yoga poses to preserve the integrity and stability of the shoulder joint whilst building strength in a sustainable manner.

Sunday, April 6, 2025
9.30am - 1.15pm

Anatomical Focus: Wrists

Through a deeper inquiry of the wrist joint, you will explore how you can bear weight safely on your hands–especially in the vinyasa practice, and including arm balances and inversions. This intensive is closely linked to the shoulder module. You will look at how you can emphasise safe weight placement on your palms for beginner practitioners who are less used to bearing weight on their palms, to more advanced practitioners looking to explore arm balances and inversions.


$125 per module
All 4 modules: $450

Receive 20% off if you're on membership. Email to sign up. 

Cancellation Policy

Please note that this event is non-refundable.


Angie's approach to the vinyasa practice emphasises heavily on anatomy and functional alignment. She strongly believes that advanced yoga poses can only be safely achieved through greater mastery of the simplest of poses and the smallest of details that comes with it. Her area of interest lies in anatomy and biomechanics underpinning the yoga practice, heavily influenced by her training with Jason Crandell. She seeks to ground her classes firmly in anatomical understanding, whether it is through her own further studies, or through consultations and ongoing education with physiotherapists, osteopaths, and exercise physiologists. She is also currently spending her time at a physiotherapist clinic to learn more about injuries and rehabilitation in a clinical setting. 

In all her classes and trainings, she strives to teach in a systematic and easily understood manner. Her trainings are crafted with the intention to provide teachers and students with specialised knowledge and instill greater confidence in them to embark on teaching yoga. Through her experience in leading multiple teacher trainings over the years, she believes in the importance of providing students with ongoing support and opportunities to further their growth beyond a standard 200-hr yoga teacher training curriculum, as well as the importance of having basic anatomical awareness underpinning the yoga practice to ensure a sustainable and injury-free practice.